BT ASIGURARI angajeaza pentru Agentia Bucuresti 9: |
ASTRA-UNIQA, una dintre cele mai importante companii de asigurari
de pe piata romaneasca, iti ofera posibilitatea de a te alatura echipei
sale de specialisti din cadrul Directiei Asigurari de Viata si te invita
sa aplici la pozitia deschisa: |
ASIGEST - Companie de brokeraj cu o experienta de peste 13 ani
in domeniul asigurarilor, cu o activitate dinamica orientata atat spre
piata corporate cat si pe segmentul retail, cu o echipa experimentata
dar, in acelasi timp, tanara si omogena, angajeaza: |
ACCENTURE is one of the leading global management consulting,
technology services and outsourcing companies. We are a 160,000 people
company growing fast in Romania. We deliver innovation that turns organizations
into high-performance businesses. Our clients are some of the world's
most dynamic organizations and they look to us to help them find ways
to become more successful in every part of their business, from strategic
planning to day-to-day operations: |
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loc de munca bine platit? Alte joburi noi pe
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